Tuesday, December 29, 2009

It is Well ...

There's a PEACE I've come to know
Though my heart and flesh may fail
There's an Anchor for my soul
I can say " IT IS WELL"

Jesus has overcome and the grave is overwhelmed
and the VICTORY is WON
and I will rise....when He calls my name...
( from a song by Chris Tomlin called " I will Rise"
(Thank you Carol for the CD including this precious song!!!)

How is it with your soul as we enter 2010!!
May it be well with you too ,
prayerfully and joyfully yours,

Friday, December 25, 2009

OH Holy Night!

Good tidings to YOU

and all of your Kin

Glad Tidings of GOD'S LOVE

And Forgiveness of SIN

I wish you a merry Christmas

I wish you a joy~filled Christmas

I wish you a PEACEFUL CHRISTmas!

And a BLESS~ed New Year!!!

Lovingly & Prayingly
Ruthie for the whole bouquet of Roses

God's love shines brightest in the darkest hour!
May you feel His love shining down to you right now!!! and always~ like the stars ~HE'S always there even when you can not see HIM!! REJOICE

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

O COME let us Adore.....

Here is a photo capturing the moment 6 of our 8 children saw
ELEONORA for the first time ever when Sarah arrived from Chicago just before Thanksgiving

{ Can not add photo yet for some reason...check back soon
for a precious photo!}

....talk about adoring our little miracle!

May we all adore Jesus more than any thing else including our
precious husbands , children, grandchildren and friends....


" For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men." Titus 2.11

p.s.~ The BETHLEHEM STAR is a movie that I highly recommend!
My favorite books right now are Psalms, Isaiah and Revelation esp Is 40 and 53 and Rev 12 and 21-22
What are yours?

Monday, December 7, 2009

Back to her smiley self....and sleeping better!

Eleonora is so much better and the Drs. are all pleased and so are we. We thank the LORD for His answers and the prayers and love from so many.
Keep praying for her and her family as God brings them to mind.
May we all go into 2010 with JOY and HEALTH ~ and especially PEACE!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Another update~ pray for sleep ~ lots of it!!!!

Sleep is still the need around here for all but esp. for Eleonora and Sarah. The medications seem to be really messing up long stretches of sleep for Baby and therefore Sarah also but we are so grateful that her breathing and cough are so much better and she is smiling a bit again at least she gave me a few sweet ones when I returned from lots of errands and taking Philipp to the Seattle airport early this morning ( we got up at 2 am!) . I was so grateful to glean much information from several health food stores concerning natural ways to help the body heal including herbal essential oils to use in the humidifier and to clean the air protecting us all from germs. If any one is interested in what I have learned email me at joyfulrose@earthlink.net.
Health blessings on us all!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Eleonora is MUCH better and leaving hospital!

The plan is for the Gollner family to leave the hospital this afternoon! Hurray!!! Eleonora got off the Oxygen support at 4 this morning and her air waves are pretty clear. She is still wheezing but it is not alarming to the Doctors and parents. Now her cold will have to run it's course with prayerfully no more major issues.
More great news is that our littllest love is acting more like herself~ looking around and grabbing things .
Philipp will fly back early Wed. to catch up on classes. We will resume our visit with the ladies!
The extreme crisis is past and unless something changes I will taper down the updates now~ though so many have continued to ask for them . Also excuse me for carrying on at times ~ we have all been sleep deprived and under much stress. But the LORD has been so faithful !
Thank you for your prayers once again and for all the encouraging notes and calls!
I write this from the table outside our country home , sitting in the warm sun with a crisp breeze requiring just a sweater on December 1st (!)and the birds are chirping away in our stand of huge fir trees.....WISH YOU WERE HERE TO CELEBRATE GOD'S ANSWERS TO PRAYER WITH ME...
and meet our amazing little miracle girl....perhaps someday.....
Thank you for the LOVE of GOD I feel through you and your prayers!
the Gran~ momi Ruthie
Psalm 37.4