...that will bring us wisdom and light..
I awoke the other night to one bright star shining into our bedroom at 3 am! Photo above! (found out later it was a star called Saturn~ one of the brightest planets in our solar system)
Instantly I thought of the song that had been in my heart for weeks about the star shining in the night and I got up to read the Christmas story after re stoking the fire and fixing a nice cup of rose hip and honey tea. It was my own little "cup of Christmas tea" that I traditionally have Christmas morning before anyone else is up. What are your special traditions for Christmas or Hanukkah ?
Hopefully we will all take time to read and reflect on the CHRIST-mas story afresh ! ~ May we all be drawn to worship Jesus, the Messiah, just like the shepherds and the wise men and ponder all these things in our hearts like Mary.
I am praying for all my friends and loved ones and even those reading this that I have not met that GOD'S "morning Star~ JESUS" will shine brightly in all our lives especially this Christmas and into the New Year~no matter how dark the night. Actually , the darker the night~ the brighter the light will shine. JUST LOOK UP!~ and GOD will guide us to HIS light and love but we must search with a believing heart and let Him in.lovingly ~
GOD bless us one and all ! And May we bless HIM ~ and SHINE for Him TOO!