Tuesday, December 29, 2009
It is Well ...
Though my heart and flesh may fail
There's an Anchor for my soul
I can say " IT IS WELL"
Jesus has overcome and the grave is overwhelmed
and the VICTORY is WON
and I will rise....when He calls my name...
( from a song by Chris Tomlin called " I will Rise"
(Thank you Carol for the CD including this precious song!!!)
How is it with your soul as we enter 2010!!
May it be well with you too ,
prayerfully and joyfully yours,
Friday, December 25, 2009
OH Holy Night!
and all of your Kin
Glad Tidings of GOD'S LOVE
And Forgiveness of SIN
I wish you a merry Christmas
I wish you a joy~filled Christmas
I wish you a PEACEFUL CHRISTmas!
And a BLESS~ed New Year!!!
Lovingly & Prayingly
Ruthie for the whole bouquet of Roses
God's love shines brightest in the darkest hour!
May you feel His love shining down to you right now!!! and always~ like the stars ~HE'S always there even when you can not see HIM!! REJOICE
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
O COME let us Adore.....
Here is a photo capturing the moment 6 of our 8 children saw
ELEONORA for the first time ever when Sarah arrived from Chicago just before Thanksgiving
{ Can not add photo yet for some reason...check back soon
for a precious photo!}
....talk about adoring our little miracle!
May we all adore Jesus more than any thing else including our
precious husbands , children, grandchildren and friends....
" For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men." Titus 2.11
p.s.~ The BETHLEHEM STAR is a movie that I highly recommend!
My favorite books right now are Psalms, Isaiah and Revelation esp Is 40 and 53 and Rev 12 and 21-22
What are yours?
Monday, December 7, 2009
Back to her smiley self....and sleeping better!
Keep praying for her and her family as God brings them to mind.
May we all go into 2010 with JOY and HEALTH ~ and especially PEACE!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Another update~ pray for sleep ~ lots of it!!!!
Health blessings on us all!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Eleonora is MUCH better and leaving hospital!
More great news is that our littllest love is acting more like herself~ looking around and grabbing things .
Philipp will fly back early Wed. to catch up on classes. We will resume our visit with the ladies!
The extreme crisis is past and unless something changes I will taper down the updates now~ though so many have continued to ask for them . Also excuse me for carrying on at times ~ we have all been sleep deprived and under much stress. But the LORD has been so faithful !
Thank you for your prayers once again and for all the encouraging notes and calls!
I write this from the table outside our country home , sitting in the warm sun with a crisp breeze requiring just a sweater on December 1st (!)and the birds are chirping away in our stand of huge fir trees.....WISH YOU WERE HERE TO CELEBRATE GOD'S ANSWERS TO PRAYER WITH ME...
and meet our amazing little miracle girl....perhaps someday.....
Thank you for the LOVE of GOD I feel through you and your prayers!
the Gran~ momi Ruthie
Psalm 37.4
Monday, November 30, 2009
Update of Praises but do Not stop praying please!
Eleonora was breathing SO much better tonight when I went to the hospital and she was sleeping so peacefully , in fact, PEACE was the word as I walked into the hospital room in Portland delivering more clothes and food for the 3 Gollners! They all looked rested too. What a relief for this mom and gran~momi's heart!!!
Eleonora is coming off of the oxygen and might even be able to go home tomorrow if she gets off all the way!!! She still is quite miserable when she is awake just like anyone would be with a head cold and congestion and cough !
Thank you for the encouraging prayers and support during all this!
Ruthie, the grateful Gran~momi
I Thessalonians 5-16-17 and Colossians 1 . 9-11 REJOICE evermore and PRAY without CEASING
Keep Praying
" A mighty fortress is our GOD ....never failing...our helper..."
Praise and TRUST HIM above all.....
Pray Ye!
Eleonora is very sick and is getting oxygen and meds. Pray for decisions being made.
May GOD'S Grace pour out on us all and may Philipp and Sarah and especially dear sweet Eleonora be surrounded by GOD'S love and peace and be restored to complete HEALTH And VITALITY SOON!!!May the LORD provide for their every need and comfort.
Gran~ momi Ruthie
"When you can't trace GOD'S hand ~ TRUST HIS HEART"
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Urgent Prayers needed for Eleonora in Hospital
...and Jesus... " spake a parable unto them that men ought always to pray and not to faint." Luke 18.1 ( faint ~ to lose courage)
Greetings dear , dear ones!
Once again our precious little princess is in need of your prayers! CRY out with me for HEALING and PEACE!!!!
Philipp and Sarah brought healthy Eleonora from Chicago and we had a blessed few days including Thanksgiving together.
Then Friday morning the baby woke up with a cough. They spent the afternoon in Portland getting x-rays and examinations and at that time it seemed to be just a general cold virus ( nothing serious) that the Dr. figured she picked up on the airplane and so were sent home a few hours later with medicine. Saturday she still looked and acted great despite the cough ( see the pictures here taken at noon on Saturday 28 Nov 09!) but in the evening she was starting to have trouble breathing and really went down hill fast.
After talking with the Doctors on the phone Elizabeth drove all 3 tired Gollners back down to Portland at 2 am which is where they are now. She has had severe complications with other medications before , so that is a prayer need. Pray also for wisdom for the Dr.(s) and PEACE upon them and us all!!!
They all have been through so much these last 9 months and Eleonora has done so well and fought so valiantly. She is 12 pounds now and BEAUTIFUL and we so appreciate your prayers!
How can I pray for YOU????
Gratefully and lovingly yours,
The blessed gran~momi
Ruthie Elizabeth
Tim's Rose for almost 30 married years now!
"EVERY anxiety is a CALL to PRAYER"...." from a booklet called PRAYER by J. H. McConkey . He continues saying " Anxiety hinders our Faith in God. For faith is simply looking unto Jesus. Anxiety looks to things. "
David says in the Psalms " My eyes are ever unto the Lord..."Psalm 25.15 and also in Psalm 72.12 he says...
" He ( GOD) shall deliver THE NEEDY when he crieth." (see also Ps.1.15..18.6...34.6....oh ,just read the psalms daily!!!!with me!)
"PRAY YE" ~ Matthew 9.38
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
A GRAND time in Chicago!!!
Yes! The Lord blessed me with a GRAND time with Eleonora and her parents! She took right to me and loved the ladybug I brought with me. What a delight it was for me and on top of the great time with Philipp and Sarah and the littlest love, I thoroughly enjoyed the people and places I saw in the "Windy City!"It was wonderful to step into their little world for a week and enjoy life with them!
the GRAND~momi
psalms 37.4
Friday, October 9, 2009
Missing my Mommy and Grand! baby!!!!
Our kitchen....
...has a new helper. See attached photo.
Philipp & Sarah
This is the email we got yesterday,
along with a Photo taken 7 Oct.09
of Eleonora with a wooden
German spoon with an adorable grin!
( if you want me to send you the picture
email me!.... joyfulrose@earthlink.net
(Michelle~ I do not have your email!)
Love and gratefulness to you all!
The Gran~momie Ruthie ....
. p.s.~
" Jesus Loves Me this I know~
for the Bible tells me so,
Little ones to Him belong!
They are Weak!!!
YES Jesus Loves me
YES Jesus loves me!!!!
Yes Jesus Loves me
and YES ....He loves you too!!!!
Today this is the song I was dreaming about singing to my
sweet Eleonora when I hold her in my arms for the first time! ~
one of my dearest childhood favorites that my dear mommy
sang to me with her strong German accent!!
I celebrated my mom's birthday this week by
giving flowers away to friends...
and strangers.... ( my mom,Elisabetha Puhlhorn Miller
has been in heaven since Dec. 1996~ 13 long years
enjoying Jesus~ I would not wish her back
here for she is the one truly living now ~
I just miss her so much down here in the land of the "dying"!!!)
I especially miss her hugs and smiles and
voice ....
On her birthday....
GOD blessed me with ... her favorite flower,
a violet ( just one) in my garden when I looked ( 6 Oct) ~
they are supposed to bloom in FEB!!!
My mother loved flowers and always pointed them out
to her grand children ( we call her Omi~ German for Grand!mommy)
and I remember fondly finding little bouquets left by my bed
growing up. I also miss holding her soft warm hand on long walks
and hearing stories about Germany and the many amazing stories
of her growing up years there.
My dear mom left for heaven at 63 and her
mother at 53 ( a mistake made in a simple surgery) .
I am 48 and when GOD calls my name I will
be ready to go~ in fact I have my " passport" and I have
even sent some of my most valuable treasures ahead of me
( 9 precious babies ~2 birthed and 7 mis~carried)
the world to me and for me to live IS CHRIST
but to die is truly GAIN!!!!
And doing your best to live for HIM!????TIME IS SHORT!!!!
Don't worry ~ I am fairly certain I will STILL be praying for you
up in heaven should I go there tonight ( who knows.... I have a
bad enough headache( almost migraine)
~ but you don't wait until it is too late to accept the FREE GIFT OF
GOD's salvation. ( Ephesians 2.8-9)! IT is a simple gift and
you just have to receive it and start following him.
( please write to me if you have any questions or want
to pray with me about ANYTHING!!!) joyfulrose@earthlink.net
Love to you all!!!!
Prayerfully yours,
Ruthie Elizabeth ~ John 3.16 and Romans 15.13
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Eleonora's back home!
She recovered so well by Saturday that they were able to all return home together Saturday night.
It is well, VERY well with our souls!
Gran~Momie Ruthie
Sunday, September 27, 2009
God will take care of you!
I do have to take thoughts captive and stop and ask forgiveness when I fall and stumble in this daily walk but I am really making progress in Walking in the Spirit as I " walk in the light of His WORD~ the Bible!" Oh how precious that book has become to me! ~ a light for my path as the days grow darker and darker and yet for me the days are brighter and brighter as I see the approach of Jesus coming back drawing near. The day when he will wipe away all the tears from my eyes and I will see Him face to face and fall down and worship the one I adore ABOVE ALL!!!!
It is well with my soul and I pray yours also.
Eleonora needs a surgery to remove her old feeding tube and put in a new one this FRIDAY in Chicago. Elizabeth , her aunt, says that she is the smilingist baby except during feeding time when she wants to nurse and can not an the pacifier does not pac-i-fy- her! DO pray her vocal cord will heal soon completely so she can nurse and not be so frustrated. Sarah , her dear mother never complains and yet we know it is so hard to see a little one crying so much.
I keep hoping by some miracle I can go and hold that dear baby before her surgery and yet I want to be in God's perfect will. If I am supposed to HE will make it clear and make a way.
and...If it is God's will ~ it is God's bill!!
Love to you all and thank you in advance for your prayers past , present and future!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Hopes and Dreams and Answered Prayers
Me, I am dreaming about holding my PRECIOUS Gran~ baby and just looking in her beautiful blue~green eyes and drinking in her smiley face !!!! Hopefully this will happen at Thanksgiving or soon after....
Elizabeth and I are also praying about and dreaming of a life~long desire to go to Israel and walk where Jesus walked and there is an opportunity to do just that in April with some good friends and a neat group. I am selling rebounding units to earn our way ( that is a mini~ trampoline) and if you or anyone you know is interested LET ME KNOW!!!! email me at joyfulrose@earthlink.net. Donations and/or Contributions are eagerly accepted also :)
love and a prayer
Gran~ Mommie Ruthie
pslams 37.4
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Counting God's Blessings!
Please pray as Philipp and Sarah and sweet Eleonora ( 7.5 pounds now!) transition into their new home ( apt on Campus) and life in CHICAGO!
I am about to leave to pick up Elizabeth who has been with them this past week helping pack and drive and babysit her special ( and only) niece!!!!
Elizabeth says Eleaonora is the smilingest baby in the world except when she is hungry~ then she wants to suck and can not because of the damaged vocal cord which causes her to choke. PLEASE PRAY GOD HEALS THIS SOON!!!!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Stopped alot just to ENJOY where I was ....( to listen for GOD'S voice and see HIS love all around)
Took time to finish a goal ( with much prayer and GOD'S strength and power!)
Praised GOD for EVERYTHING that happened ( even and perhaps especially the thorns of
life.... and in tires!!!)
the STP this weekend also stood for the SEATTLE To PORTLAND's 30th annual Bike Classic that Elizabeth , Joshua and Caleb all completed by GOD's grace and protection and Andrew and I enjoyed some of too!!!
I hope to write more soon but until then...
Remember to count your blessings ~ naming them one by one and do....
...Keep stopping to smell the roses and being grateful for even the " thorns" in life remembering that they have a purpose too and learning to accept and be thankful for them.
Wish I could tell you about all the miracles and amazing stories that happened on our way to Seattle by VAN fulls and by bike all the way down to Portland ~ especially the " angel" wing recumbants on LOVEJOY ST, the blessings of a flat tire the first mile into the ride, the " miracle of wind~ power we prayed for and finally the SHOFAR horn blast at BAJA FRESH....ask me sometime....
Love Ya all!!!
A very tired and sore STP start and finisher ( with quite a few detours along the VERY BLESS~ED Way!!!
Joyful and grateful daugther of the KING OF KINGS,
wife of a most amazing man , momie to some of the dearest children, gran~momie to a miracle and joy beyond compare, and friend to the most beautiful flowers in the garden of life and blessed by all who come my way!!!!
MAY JESUS CHRIST BE PRAISED ~~~ God is my strength and my power and HE maketh my way PERFECT....II Samuel 22/ Psalm 18 A new song God gave me during my bike ride!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Consider the Lilies...and Roses too!
Dear dear, Hearts!
Have you been slowing down to smell the roses in your life~ the flowers and the blessings and THANKING GOD????
I sure have!!!!
It has been a most lovely week! My best birthday gift was knowing Eleonora was home and the Gollner family could all be together every night! Every time I hear Sarah's voice there is such joy and gratefulness to be home enjoying Eleonora and being with Philipp again. Eleonora is quite content and continues to make little noises encouraging us all !
Do pray as now they will prepare to move to Chicago at the end of next month for a year and we hope Elizabeth can fly back to help with the drive.
The above picture is our sweet smelling " Cecil Brunner" Rose Arbor into our garden. This was another gift from GOD this week and a surprise since this was only made and planted 3 years ago with a dear friend. This week I had a special surprise luncheon with my own dear family ( whom I am EVER GRATEFUL FOR!!!!) and separate surprise visits from friends far and near ( thank you Dana Lee, Cynthia Jean and Tammy Lynn ~ ALL a joy and delight!) and was able to have tea at both arbors in the front and back among the roses.
Wish you all could come for tea and "smell the roses " with me here. I actually had the same rose bush in my back yard as a child and it has always been my favorite~~ the smell is truly heavenly and one little bloom will fragrance a whole room!
Let me share with you a poem from one of my favorite devotional books, Daily Strength for Daily Needs:
CONTENT with their allotted task
They do but grow, they do not ask
A richer lot, a higher sphere,
But in their loveliness appear.
And unto GOD they leave the rest." Marianne Farmingham
growing hopefully in GRACE , smiling, and doing my best
and leaving GOD with the rest
How about you?
Do STOP and smell the roses with me...TODAY!!!!
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Home~ what a lovely word!
Blessings and Love to all!
Lately I have been thinking a lot about my forever HOME in heaven~ how about you?It sure sounds wonderful to me ( The book of Revelations in the Bible tells all about it , especially chapters 21 and 22!!! ..."and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain...Behold I make all things new...and (we) they shall see HIS face... ( can't wait for that HOME ~going!)
and the last verse in the Bible says this..Revelations 22.21
"The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen!" and AMEN!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Hopefully Tomorrow!
Do pray for this huge transition.
Thanks and blessings from,
the Granmomie Ruthie
Monday, June 1, 2009
All Good News!!!
Sarah has been hearing little noises come from Eleonora this week!!!!!May God completely heal her vocal cord for HIS GLORY and may she praise Him always with her voice and precious life!!!!
Sarah has also asked for prayer for the equipment rental to go smoothly especially since there are complications since they will be moving to Chicago this summer for Philipp's teaching job there, as he works on his Doctorate.
Joshua did well at the State Meet for Track in the 1 and 2 mile events. He did not feel great during either race but still beat his Personal Record ( PR) by 12 seconds in the 2 mile coming in 10th at 10 min 17 seconds! It was in the 90's and it was a great learning experience for us all and the trip was lovely all-in-all!
Anyone else putting in a garden this year ? Gardening and bike ride training for the STP ( a Seattle to Portland bike ride) will be our focus for the next 6 weeks ~ 5 of us are signed up and I hope to use it to get back in shape. I am praying this will be our family's healthiest year ever ( body , mind and especially SPIRIT)!!! yours too!!! ( 3 john 2 ) and that we all will WALK IN TRUTH ( 3 john 4)!!!!
What are you doing and how can I pray for you ???
Could you please pray for a speedy recovery for one of the Bikers who had a bad accident last Saturday ~ we are praying he will not lose the 4 teeth that he landed on!!!!OUCH!!! His name is Steven.
lovingly and prayerfully
Tim's Rose
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Eleonora's Surgery went well...
How are you? I AM BLESSED!!!
This will have to be real quick because I am literally unpacking and repacking to leave tomorrow with Tim for 3 days to Eastern Washington ( 6 hr drive) for Joshua's 2 day State Track Meet for the 1 and 2 mile events! Do pray for us as we travel and Joshua's races, and the rest of the family at home with Elizabeth.
Eleonora's surgery went great with no complications and she is still sedated~ so as far as we know all is well. Do pray for speedy recovery so this little family can be together at home soon. Philipp and Sarah will need to learn how to use some monitors for her and it could all happen within the next few weeks if all goes well.
Thank you for your prayers for my last trip ~ GOD did amazing things and I can not start to tell you or I would not be able to stop but basically IT WAS A HUGE BLESSING and also a growing experience and I had a major healing crisis ( if you know what that is)....ask me sometime but basically in body , mind and spirit I FEEL GREAT and REJUVENATED!!!!
LOVE AND BLESSINGS to YOU ALL!!!!! and many tears of JOY !!!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Surgery Postponed ~ Keep praying
We will try to keep you posted ( be patient while I am away from the computer for most of the next week!) and THANK you all for your continued prayers.
Philipp is officially graduated from Seminary today ! And Joshua came in 1st in the 2 mile and 2nd in the 1 mile tonight at his District meet ( we are off to State next week!)
Praise the Lord and have a blessed weekend.
I will be traveling out of State to visit my brother and his wife until Wed because we will be going to a Memorial service for one of my dad's best friends*. They met over 50 years ago before they were married and served the LORD together! Then as young married couples they fellowshipped together constantly at and after church and then stayed in touch though many miles separated them after a move. May Jesus Christ be lifted up and praised at the Service as I suspect He will be and may Jesus comfort and physically heal the last remaining of the four, the wife of the departed,Beth Miller Self ( she has an excruciatingly painful knee condition) .Do also please pray for my witness for the LORD where-ever the LORD leads and guides this week.
Let's all " REJOICE in the Lord Always and again I say REJOICE" from Beth Self's favorite text Phil 4.4-9 and....
some final words to grandson by *Charles Wm. Self ~ 90 years young !
Gone to LOVE and LIVE in GLORY on May 16,2009 !!!!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Eleonra's Surgery
Eleonora is doing very well and getting closer to being ready to go home! Feeding seems to be her last big hurdle and due to her paralyzed vocal cord, being on the ventilator for several weeks and prematurity the Doctor has decided a G-tube (feeding tube surgically placed in her stomach) will be best for her continued growth and going home.
We ask for prayer as she goes over to Arnold Palmer (the children's hospital attached to Winnie Palmer) this Friday, May 22nd for the surgery to place the G-tube and at the same time repair 2 hernias. Please pray for the Doctors, Anesthesiologist, and all the hands who will be a part of this - that all would go well and Eleonora would stay strong and recover quickly. Also; please pray that she will be able to come off the ventilator quickly after surgery with no complications.
As Eleonora will be coming home on Oxygen, an Apnea monitor and the feeding tube we will begin receiving training for all of these things and preparing for our daughter to come home. These weeks have been long but we have been sustained by His grace.
Thank you for your prayers and encouragement!
May the Lord be with you,
as He has been with us
Sarah and Philipp
Monday, May 18, 2009
12 weeks old ~ 4 pounds even!
God always gives a better thing
Than that He takes away
Exceeding joy tomorrow
For the tears we shed today
Immeasurable treasure
For the gain we counted loss
Yea, an hundredfold of blessing
For the bearing of the Cross.
"It shall be well with them that fear God." Eccl.8:12
Friday, May 15, 2009
ELEONORA almost 4 pounds but needs prayers!
Eleonora is back to trying to be fed by mouth ( YEAH!) and her Dr. wants to try the bottle and breastfeeding for 2 weeks to see if she can do it . PLEASE pray she does not aspirate any milk (meaning ~fluid in her lungs ~ NOT a good thing at all!) and That GOD would do a miracle and help this baby get the hang of it easily so she can go home.
She may never talk but the eating issue is what we are focusing on right now ~please ask GOD for a miracle here!!!! His will be done!
She weighs 3 pounds and 15 ounces and was so close to going home until this set back came along. BUT ...GOD IS STILL in CONTROL and ....
PRAYER CHANGES THINGS.... Thank you ALL so much!!!
The oral surgery went well for our friend's daughter ~ pray for QUICK healing!
The TRIAL CONTINUES back in Wisconsin for 10 days I believe and we have not heard an update on that yet.
We will be having " picnic" weather this weekend and we all are ready for it!
We had a challenging week , yet God faithfully heard our cries and brought peace to a situation needing His touch.
Today was a beautiful and sunny day encouraging us all!
Joshua came in 1st in his sub-District Meet for the 3200 and 2nd for the 1600 Next week he will run at the District meet and Lord willing go to state the following week! Once again we praise GOD for talented and determined children.
May they always Glorify the GOD who created and loves them.
I am praising God in the ups and downs of life ~ are you????
How can I pray for you?
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Mama Sarah's Prayer Requests
Hello Dear hearts!
This is very similar to the last update and yet I thought you would
appreciate "hearing" Sarah's "voice" .
Your prayers continue to carry us all through
Eleonora's challenges.
May GOD'S perfect will be done
in all our lives especially this precious little one!!!
Here is Sarah's email:
The Lord has been with us over these past 11 weeks
since our daughter's premature birth; so many
answers to prayer and He will continue be
with us in the days to come
- for HE is faithful and never changes.
Eleonora now weighs 3lb 12oz and is 15 inches long!
Yesterday she had her 5th eye exam and her eyes are
getting better!
(There is a condition in preemies that is
monitored closely to make sure the retina
doesn't detach).
We do have some new prayer requests if you
would be willing to email to others:
Yesterday we found out that Eleonora's left
vocal cord is paralyzed
(it has been 4 weeks since she came off the
ventilator and still no sound
is heard when she is visibly crying or trying
to make noise). We do not know
at this point when or if this will get better.
Her Doctor still needs to talk
with the Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist
who daignosed this on Monday.
So our little girl is very, very, quiet.
We also ask for prayer regarding learning
to eat by mouth as there are new
unknowns in this area as well. Right
now she is off all nipple feeds
(learning to suck, swallow and breath
by bottle and/or breastfeeding).
She gets her 32 cc's of breastmilk by
gavage every three hours
(a small tube down her nose into her stomach).
Please pray that she can begin learning to eat
again by mouth
(she needs to be able to take all of her feeds
by mouth to come home).
As for her breathing she is doing wonderfully!
Only on "going-home"
settings of Oxygen.
Please pray for wisdom for the Doctors
and gentleness from the Nurses
as they make decisions and care for Eleonora.
In Christ,
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Our little Quiet Girl needs more prayers!
Tomorrow Eleonora will be transported over to the Children's Hospital next door for tests on her swallowing since she not been able to take very much from the bottle and because they confirmed that her left vocal cord was damaged during the heart valve surgery she had shortly after her birth.Her eating difficulties could delay her home-going. It can take time to heal, sometimes weeks or months and LORD willing it will heal and she will be able to make noise.May she one day sing to Jesus with a beautiful and clear voice. For now the nerve is paralyzed and she is a quiet little girl.
At first it is hard to hear news like this, yet we must focus and be grateful for all the positive things and answers to prayer. Just yesterday Sarah got a message that a baby born just a week before Eleonora started to have complications and died yesterday after a few hard weeks. Do pray for Michael's family in the loss of their preemie~ now heaven's gain. Sarah and this mom had visited often over the last 11 weeks so do pray for Sarah as she comforts this grieving mom.
GOD can be trusted at ALL times through the good and the bad and many times ( actually ALWAYS!) the things we call "bad" bring blessings we can not see right away or until we get to heaven's shore .
This reminds me of my Dad's favorite verse(s) from Romans 8:28-29...
" And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to HIS purpose. For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren."
We can and should TRUST and OBEY and when we can not trace GOD'S hand ~ we can still surely ...
lovingly and prayerfully ,
Gran~momie Ruthie
ps~ Could you please include in your prayers my dear friend's daughter's complications in her 2nd trimester of her pregnancy ?!!!
For those of you wanting to hear more from my heart, I have a few thoughts and below is a special poem to share that I found in an antique book just weeks ago.
Last Saturday, May 9th would have been our Luke's 19th birthday! He lived with us for a week before the Lord took him to His heavenly garden of flowers and he IS waiting for us~I dedicate this poem to Luke and Michael , the ones that are REALLY LIVING along with my other 8 miscarried babies through the years:
The Reaper and the FLOWERS
by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
There is a Reaper, whose name is Death,
And, with his sickle keen,
He reaps the bearded grain at a breath,
And the flowers that grow between.
"Shall I have naught that is fair?" saith he;
"Have naught but the bearded grain?
Though the breath of these flowers is sweet to me,
I will give them all back again."
He gazed at the flowers with tearful eyes,
He kissed their drooping leaves;
It was for the Lord of Paradise
He bound them in his sheaves.
"My Lord has need of these flowerets gay,"
The Reaper said, and smiled;
"Dear tokens of the earth are they,
Where he was once a child."
"They shall all bloom in fields of light,
Transplanted by my care,
And saints, upon their garments white,
These sacred blossoms wear."
And the mother gave, in tears and pain,
The flowers she most did love;
She knew she should find them all again
In the fields of light above.
O, not in cruelty, not in wrath,
The Reaper came that day;
'T was an angel visited the green earth,
And took the flowers away.
" And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain....." Revelations 21 : 4
We're on our way to heaven are you on your way there too?
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
More Good News!
She is on the lowest level of oxygen meaning she only gets a "whiff" once in a while and Sarah can hold her whenever she wants in many different positions!!!! She is SLOWLY learning how to nurse and gets to try to drink from a bottle once each day also and only receives the best milk in the world for her- Sarah's!
The main prayer requests now are that she will continue to thrive and have no set backs so she can go home soon and that she will easily and quickly learn how to eat . She is able to keep her temperature stable which means she wears clothes and a blanket just like a regular newborn.
Thank you again so very much for your prayers and love for our precious little miracle.
Many babies at the hospital have serious complications and Sarah is very thankful for how well Eleonora is doing and has done these last 10 weeks.
Caleb had a great time in track this year and came in 1st place in both events ( the 800 and 1600) today at the District Meet. We are grateful to God for our talents and health ~ May GOD always be 1st in our hearts and may we always run our best for HIM in whatever we do!!!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
9 weeks~ 3.3pounds Eleonora doing well!
Do not stop praying and praising GOD for all HE has done.
The Gran~momie
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Eleonora looking Good~ Praise GOD!
Please pray that she would continue to improve with her breathing and feeding and that she could be moved out of isolation to a quiet and calm room soon. So far she is doing quite well and we pray for steady improvements with no set-backs.
If any one wants a picture just leave a comment below or email me directly ~I hope to be getting some more pictures soon. The parents only request that no pictures be posted publicly. For continuous updates do check my daughters' blog listed below.We take turns doing updates.
Thank you all ever so much and..." May the LORD repay you.." for your gifts of prayer~ the best gifts ever!!
Spring is here! Let's keep sowing so we will reap a BOUNTIFUL harvest ~ Physically and Spiritually!!!
A grateful Gran~Momie
my daughters' blog:
ps~ Joshua and Caleb are enjoying TRACK and doing quite well with the talent God has blessed them with . It is fun to watch. What are you doing these days?
Leave a comment here or email me directly!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Praises and Prayers continue!!!
Thanks so much for your continued prayer support
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
7 weeks and almost 3 pounds
PRAY FOR HEALTH and that she can go home on or before her June 8 due date.
Sarah and Philipp are doing well and yet it has been a long 7 weeks and they have had to be apart for much of it.
Thanks again for all your prayers and love for this dear precious wee one and her family!
YOUR PRAYERS are SUCH a BLESSING to us all!!!!
A grateful Gran~Momie
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Weiss du Wieveil ....Serenity
There are shining in the skies?
Do you know how many clouds
Ev'ry day go floating by?
God in Heaven has counted all.
He would miss one should it fall.
Do you know how many children
Go to little beds at night.
And without care or sorrow,
Wake up in the morning light?
God in Heaven each name can tell,
Loves me , too, and loves me well.
From the German ( song my mother sang to me in German, I sang to Sarah, Philipp's mother sang to him and his dear sister Julia and now we sing to Eleonora! ~ I did last week!)
Psalm 121 comforts me right now!! Plus this prayer: ( also from Germany!)
The Serenity Prayer
(Reinhold Neibuhr-1926)
GOD, grant me the serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change,
Courage to change the
things I can, and the
wisdom to know the difference.
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardship as the
pathway to peace.
Taking, as He did, this
sinful world as it is,
not as I would have it.
Trusting that He will make
all things right if I
surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy
in this life, and supremely
happy with Him forever in
the next. Amen
Peace and JOY to you!
a prayin' Gran~momie
Sarah and Eleonora need YOUR prayers!
( for the third time at least) but then got an infection in her blood. She is not acting sick but this is a serious prayer request.
Now mama Sarah is sick today also due to lack of sleep this week with extra Dr and Specialist meetings late at night . She called just now sounding very tired and was going to bed at 8 pm their time. This is difficult news for them all so pray God's comfort and peace especially.
Grandma Rosa ( Oma in Austrian and German ~ like my mom!) is there until Friday and did get to visit with Eleonora at least one time ~ but now no one will visit while Sarah is sick . Pray for miraclulously speedy recoveries for them both and that Rosa's visit will still be full of special memories to take home!
GOD is STILL IN CONTROL and PRAYER changes things.
Grateful to all of you special , special Prayer~ warriors near and far!!!
The Gran~momie Ruthie
Thursday, April 2, 2009
A very Blessed Trip!
We are praying now she can go back off the ventilator soon and that she will be spared any lasting effects of the tubes and treatments she has needed so far. She is receiving the BEST of care and I was delightfully impressed with the whole Hospital experience.
There is so much more to tell and yet I am going to have to wait till another time and get to bed now....
With Love and Gratefulness to GOD~ Gran-Momie Ruthie
P.S. If you want to see photos of Eleonora please comment and leave your email below since Philipp and Sarah have requested no photos on a public site. Or you can email me directly at joyfulrose@earthlink.net
The Lord bless you and keep you ...The Lord make His face to shine on you...and give you PEACE and give you PEACE and give you PEACE forever...numbers 24.6 also a lullaby by Michael Card that I sang to Eleonora among many hymns and German songs....
Monday, March 23, 2009
A month of Answers to Prayer!
- Eleonora had a good night and is doing better today! No updates on Faith Marie, so please keep praying for both!
Not in order but here are just a few of the requests that God has specifically said YES to!!!!
- last week Eleonora was back on mama's milk 2 weeks earlier than expected!!! ( now pray she could again be put back on the best milk!~ during the infection they cut way back on it)
- No second surgery as previously planned~ her intestines " healed themselves!' We know GOD did it!
- Sarah( and Philipp some nights) is able to stay right across the street from the Hospital at the Ronald McDonald House ( a volunteer run home for families of children in the hospital requiring only a $15 daily donation) This has worked out real well for Sarah.
- Philipp is catching up on his studies and it looks like he still will be able to graduate in May ( keep praying about this one!)
- Eleonora's organs are all healthy...lungs, heart....
- NO BRAIN BLEEDS~ so common in preemies of this age!
- Kangaroo Kare ( skin-to skin ) holding of Eleonora on Sarah and /or Philipp almost daily for many days in a row ( Pray she gets well quick so this can resume!)
- and so many, many more things to Thank and Praise God for! ******************** Love and thanks for your prayers and love for this little, precious life! Gratefully yours, Gran~Momie Ruthie
Sunday, March 22, 2009
A little Infection Starting
Faith Marie, three weeks old, our niece, also needs prayers for her Staph infection to clear up quickly. She had to have an emergency surgery on her leg and has been in the hospital since Thursday .They are also on the East Coast.
The distance may be far but our hearts are drawn near in prayer.
Blowing hugs and kisses to these precious baby girls~
Gran~Momie Ruthie
Psalm 23 The Lord is my Shepherd!....
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Continued prayers please!
Do pray that she will really start THRIVING and growing at a good rate. She is slowly gaining weight and is at 1# 10 ounces ( very close to what she was at birth 3 weeks ago) . She needs to weigh 4 pounds to go home and be healthy. Keep praying infections away!!!! An infection can take a preemie in just hours.
Sarah and Philipp must also remain in our prayers! Praise GOD they have remained healthy and able to visit their daughter multiple times daily. Philipp is trying to complete his studies to graduate in May. This is a long and weary road and yet with the LORD there is peace and joy knowing HE IS IN CONTROL and knows the whole story.
When we can not trace GOD'S hand we can ALWAYS trust His Heart!!!
Trusting and Obeying The Lord!
Prayerfully yours,
Gran~ Momie Ruthie
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Life is Full and Beautiful!
Every day has ups and downs and we pray she will soon be off all the " normal" preemie medications . Perhaps this is part of why she does not have deep sleep cycles yet.
We are thankful for how well she is doing and each day they have been able to increase the amount of Breast Milk she gets through the feeding tube~and she is gaining weight!!!
Both Grandma's ( One from Austria and me!) get to visit our little grand~love in the next month and this is exciting!
Elizabeth flies home tomorrow and prepares to go to another family birth in Oregon as their Doula!
Elizabeth is a little angel wherever she is ~ do pray for her too!
As my life gets fuller~ do not forget to check our daughter Lydia's blog for updates on Eleonora~ especially when I am in Florida!http://zantoriafilms.blogspot.com/
Blessings from Roseberry Hill
Sunday, March 15, 2009
The Power of Prayer and the Power of Motherhood
What an amazing weekend I just had with Nancy Campbell , Editress of ABOVE Rubies ( a wonderful magazine whose purpose is to " strengthen families across the World"!) and all the ladies from near and far who gathered to be encouraged in our roles of mothering and being Godly wives.
I WAS SO BLESSED!!! I wish you could all have heard Nancy's beautiful prayer for Eleonora and Sarah and Philipp. It is a treat just to hear this woman pray!
She has written and sent this magazine out for 30 years strictly on a donation basis and I recommend it to all women of any age for encouragement. Check out http://www.aboverubies.org/
for information a magazine subscription or to get a free devotional email every so often.
Gran~Momie Ruthie
James 3:16-17
Friday, March 13, 2009
I believe in MIRCACLES for I believe in GOD!
The Dr. said the tests look good and they will start her back on the tube feeding ever so slowly to see how it goes ( PRAY!) . More details and updates on Lily's posts at http://zantoriafilms.blogspot.com/
I will be gone this weekend to ABOVE RUBIES retreat and it is not too late for you to join me in Olympia, Washington!
Love to you all with a grateful heart!
Gran~momie Ruthie
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Psalm 71 for Eleonora!
so here is my last update from the other night:
Even though our hearts and prayers are in Florida ~Life goes on here on the Farm in Washington.
Track has officially started for Joshua and Caleb despite snow flurries . On the rainy days Andrew and John have enjoyed making boats to float in the puddles or building their amazing lego creations by the fire. MaryAnna and Lydia are such great helps with everything around here and I am so grateful for the full life we have.
Last night I took the older boys to the Centralia College for a night of music by the Pacific Northwest Chamber Orchestra.
It was a treat to hear F.Schubert's Symphony in B Minor and then a collection of Irish Tunes including :
Long, Long, Ago taking my thoughts back to Florida and that precious baby there ~ longing to hold her and praying GOD would hold her and sing to her for me ~ So here's the song for you to enjoy:
Long, Long Ago
Sing me the songs that to me were so dear
Long, long ago, long ago
Tell me the tales I delighted to hear
Long, long ago, long ago.
Out of th e past on the winds of the years
Sung by a voice that could still all my fears
Softened by laughter and gentled by tears
Long, long ago, long ago
Sing me the songs that were mine at the start
Long long ago, long ago
Tell me the tales that were dear to my heart
Long, long ago, long ago
Now I shall share with a child at my breast
All of those songs that once put me to rest
Safe in the arms of the one I loved best
Long, Long ago, long ago.
Then imagine how comforted I was to hear that Sarah was able to resume Kangaroo~ Care last night for the 2nd time only( surely the same time that song was being sung!) and got to hold Eleonora for a whole hour and a half ~" safe in the arms of the one she loves best"~ her Mama!!!! Elizabeth was with her and was delighted to get to help ~ touching and stroking her for the first time. Eleonora is quite stable and we remain hopeful and grateful for all GOD is doing!!!!
Sweet dreams to all of you of the LONG, long ago and the here and now also make every day special~
love from Gran~momie Ruthie's heart and...
a big HUG across the miles! romans 15.13
Monday, March 9, 2009
2 Weeks! Every day a "WIN" for Eleonora!!
gran~momie Ruthie
Saturday, March 7, 2009
12 days with Eleonora!
Do ask for pray at your churches and keep her before the LORD! It is a long and hard road for these little ones that still should be under Mama's heart in the secret place!
We are confident that God is in control and that GOD is watching over her and His angels also but we are commanded to pray without ceasing ~ so when you think of her DO pray.
We pray she would start gaining weight now and growing and that GOD would do a miracle and spare her from more surgeries and yet we trust Him and put her continually in His care and loving Hands . We are thankful that HE is the master Physician and that HE has a plan for her little but very significant life.
Blessings and Peace!
A grateful Gran~momie
The Garden Path Quilt
Here is a picture and the description of the quilt we worked on ~ one of the many that will be auctioned off tonight! May God be glorified and lives be saved and encouraged through this ministry!
The Garden Path!
Hand-pieced....hand quilted ..this ultra soft baby quilt has been lovingly made by a group of 3sisters and 2 friends and finished off by their 2 mothers. The garden path quilt reminds us of how God can take unplanned scraps and put them together to make something amazing!
Right now He is making another quilt in heaven with all the " thrown away" supposedly unwanted babies- making a Garden Path of Life where, even though Satan meant it for evil -GOD will turn it all around and make " EVERYTHING BEAUTIFUL IN HIS TIME!"
Let's pray for an end to Abortion ~pray for life for the unborn and the born: Eleonora ~20 oz of love now!~ and 14 weeks to her due date ! May she grow quickly, not need any more surgeries ( we need a miracle for that one!) and be "comforted" by our love and her Heavenly Fathers all day long! Let's all blow tiny Ellie a kiss and a prayer RIGHT NOW!~~~~~~~~~~
Friday, March 6, 2009
Retreat Date change!
Have a blessed restful weekend and do pray for the Care Center Quilt Auction which is raising money to help women and men who need education support and hope during an unplanned pregnancy.
Eleonora seems to be recovering nicely from her surgery and Sarah spends more and moretime with her now as her health improves and she recovers also.
Sarah and Elizabeth sounded very good but tired and were planning on an early to bed night !
Sounds good to me....nite~ nite....
Gran~momie Ruthie
Joy to YOU!
Day 11 Praises!!! but don't stop praying!!!
Yes ~ Sarah was able to hold her precious baby~love for the first time in 9 days the night before the surgery ~ for a whole hour right on her chest~ skin to skin ( amidst tubes and hook~ups etc...it is complicated! ~ but PRAISE GOD~) This comforts my heart SO and I am SO THANKFUL since I did not get that blessing 19 years ago until Luke was dying in my arms ~~ but GOD is using all those tears of 19 years ago and lessons learned to reap a harvest of JOY today ~~! JOY Beyond compare and I feel I am the most blessed o Do pray that I WILL BE TIM"S CROWN !!!! I have really blown it at times through the years ( intentionally and unintentionally !!))) BUT "IF we confess our sins one to another HE will heal and forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness!!!
I am confessing a LOT these days ~ so much SIN ! but even more GRACE!!!!
I am on day 10 of the 40 days for LIFE fast (to end abortion, life for Eleonora , healing in my marriage , home, Tim's family, ....) And it is SO exciting to see what GOD is doing ~ the IMPOSSIBLE in every area!
Do join me and pray for me that I can keep lifting up my hands !!!!
This weekend is Nancy Campbell in Olympia http://www.aboverubiesretreats.com/7101.html
and the Care Center Auction ~ 360.330.2229 Care Center Centralia for questions!
Pass along the WORD to your circle for PRAYERS and participation if possible.
Remember for more infor or more current updates when I am unable check our daughter's site that Lydia is so wonderfully doing:
love to you ALL
Ruthie Elizabeth
Tim's Crown (striving to be !)
Psalms 37.23-24.....the LORD holds me in His hands
Do check out info on putting an end to Abortion on Demand in America:
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Faith, Mercy and "the Rose" special birth Announcemnts!
After praying with me now for Eleonora's safety and healing during and after her heart-valve surgery Thursday do rejoice with me and Praise God for 2 more sweet babies! ANNOUNCEMENT! ANNOUNCEMENT!!!
Faith and Mercy both arrived safely Wednesday, March 4th! Thanks to those who joined me in prayers for these new little rosebuds from heaven~ truly precious gifts from GOD! A new second cousin for Eleonora , Faith Marie was born in the morning ( on the East Coast) and a new friend to be for Eleonora, Mercy Lee, was born in the evening safely at her grandma's home in Ripon, Califonia, as planned. Though 4 weeks earlier than her due date baby is perfect and weighs 5# 8 oz ~ big compared to Eleonora's 1# 4 oz that she now weighs!
Now my sweet sister-in-love Pam Rose and dear friend Kathy Lee and I, are all 1st time Grand~mothers within days of each other! I dedicate this poem to these dear prayer-warrior "sisters" of mine and to Philipp's mother and my dear friend ,Rosa Gollner in Austria especially, and also to all Grand~mas and Gran~mommy's to be!!!( Sisters ,Patti in April and Cathy Ann in JULY!!!)
( to the tune of Matchmaker, Matchmaker from Fiddler on the Roof)
Gran~momie, gran~momie that's what I'll be,
rocking a babe, singing some songs
reading a book or just staring at you
A gran~momie's GRAND to be!
For now, I sit and I dream and I pray a lot for thee
You have changed my life, oh so much
and I hardly can wait to see...
Your face and hands in my own loving arms,
Singing with you Praying some too
Hugging and Smiling and Kissing you OH...
A Gran~momie's GRAND to be!
Soon we'll be baking and cooking and gardening ~ you'll see,
You will grow up so very fast
but your Gran~momie I'll still be
Praying and Dreaming for you will not stop!
I love you now
I love you lots
And my great JOY will be just to see you....
Lovingly written to my 1st Grandchild when Sarah was on bed-rest with complications Jan 27th 2009.
Today I dedicate this poem to ;
Eleonora, our miracle micro~ preemie
Rosa Gollner her other Grandma called "Oma" in Austria
and two special "sisters" and now Grand~mas with me :
Pam Rose and Kathy Lee Trout and their daughters ,
born just hours apart the same day~ March 4th 2009
Faith Marie Stoy and Mercy Lee Trout!
May God bless all the Grandmas and Grandmas to be and their babes!
The Rose
It’s only a tiny rosebud
A flower of God’s design;
But I cannot unfold the petals
With these clumsy hands of mine.
The secret of unfolding flowers
Is not known to such as I…
The flower God opens so sweetly
In my hand would fade and die.
If I cannot unfold a rosebud
This flower of God’s design,
Then how can I think I have wisdom
To unfold this life of mine?
So I’ll trust in Him for His leading
Each moment of every day,
And I’ll look to Him for His guidance
Each step of the pilgrim way.
For the pathway that lies before me
My Heavenly Father knows-
I’ll trust Him to unfold the moments
Just as He unfolds the rose.
-Anonymous(thank you Michelle Cover for your favorite poem above, received just at the right time! ~ you are a dear ~hugs to you and your mom !!! and bless you at New Tribes Mission ~ your blog is refreshing and encouraging!)
Day 9-2 evening Surgery set for Thursday morning
See Lydia's post for details each day.
"His eye is still on the Sparrow!!!"
Day 9 Eleonora might need 2 surgeries!
There are some updates already posted on my daughters' blog~
Please read for Urgent prayer requests!
"...The LORD hath comforted his people, and will have mercy upon his afflicted!"
Let us walk in the light of HIS love today and always...
Gran~ momie
Ruthie Elizabeth
Tim's Rose
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Day 8 In the Hollow of GOD'S palm!
It feels like a cyclone or whirlwind has come through our home since a week ago Monday, yet GOD's peace has been so clear and present most of the time. There are hard moments to be sure , but then I must just choose to return to my rest ( looking to GOD and the promises of HIS WORD in the Bible~ Like a bird going back to it's nest in a storm.)
This poem helps explain it well:
At the heart of the cyclone tearing the sky
And flinging the clouds and the towers by,
Is a place of central calm;
So here in the roar of mortal things,
I have a place where my spirit sings,
That is where I am and where I see Eleonora!
The Psalms comforted me all day !Psalm 63 and then chapters 23-25 and then later chapters 93-96 especially. All day the song in my heart was " His eye is on the Sparrow" which was a favorite of my dear mother, who has been in Heavenly Peace for almost 13 years now!
I can not thank you enough for your prayers for :
Praise GOD with us: Eleonora looks good today and is very stable despite the tummy issues the past few days!
It is a very delicate balance with feeding these micro~ preemies that should still be in " GOD'S secret knitting WOMB"! for 15 more weeks!!!
Sarah and Elizabeth are getting more sleep and each day is a little easier as they work out a schedule and routine with Philipp back at work and school. and the Ronald McDonald house across the street from
the hospital is working out well.
Prayer Requests: That Eleonora would be able to be put back on her mama's milk ~ SOON!
God would protect her from any and all infection !
God's peace would REST upon us all ....with sweet dreams for all....
And whatever else God puts on your heart!
gran~ momie ruthie
Monday, March 2, 2009
Celebrating One week of LIFE for Eleonora!
Everywhere I look, God reminds me how He creates beauty in unexpected and tiny things!
Have you ever looked really closely at a violet or one flowerlet of the Lily of the Valley?
These tiny plants both blooming at our house right now are some of the most fragrant and lovely and yet also the most petite! What joy they bring and such bright hope for spring~ just like Eleonora's life~ a sweet fragrant 'bright one' shining brightly!
We celebrated Eleonora's first week of life at breakfast and Elizabeth happened to call and so she joined us on the speaker phone as we sang "Happy Birthday dear Eleonora!"Daddy said a special prayer of blessing on his little grand~daughter and we heard good updates from Florida.
Eleonora is stable and has very healthy organs so the biggest threat is what all preemies are prone to : infection. Please pray that no epidemics break out in the hospital and that she continues to grow and can get put back on mama's milk soon which should be within the week.
Her tummy trouble seems to have settled down and life is calming a bit.
Sarah's pain is diminishing slowly but surely and they are all getting more sleep. Do pray for continued healing and refreshing sleep and SWEET dreams for all!~~~ lovinly gran~momie ruthie
FAITH sees the invisible
believes the incredible
receives the impossible !
Enjoy every precious moment with the children and loved ones in your life ~ every moment is a miracle!