Everywhere I look, God reminds me how He creates beauty in unexpected and tiny things!
Have you ever looked really closely at a violet or one flowerlet of the Lily of the Valley?
These tiny plants both blooming at our house right now are some of the most fragrant and lovely and yet also the most petite! What joy they bring and such bright hope for spring~ just like Eleonora's life~ a sweet fragrant 'bright one' shining brightly!
We celebrated Eleonora's first week of life at breakfast and Elizabeth happened to call and so she joined us on the speaker phone as we sang "Happy Birthday dear Eleonora!"Daddy said a special prayer of blessing on his little grand~daughter and we heard good updates from Florida.
Eleonora is stable and has very healthy organs so the biggest threat is what all preemies are prone to : infection. Please pray that no epidemics break out in the hospital and that she continues to grow and can get put back on mama's milk soon which should be within the week.
Her tummy trouble seems to have settled down and life is calming a bit.
Sarah's pain is diminishing slowly but surely and they are all getting more sleep. Do pray for continued healing and refreshing sleep and SWEET dreams for all!~~~ lovinly gran~momie ruthie
FAITH sees the invisible
believes the incredible
receives the impossible !
Enjoy every precious moment with the children and loved ones in your life ~ every moment is a miracle!
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