Sunday, July 12, 2009


This is what I did this weekend: ( what about you?)
Stopped alot just to ENJOY where I was ....( to listen for GOD'S voice and see HIS love all around)
Took time to finish a goal ( with much prayer and GOD'S strength and power!)
Praised GOD for EVERYTHING that happened ( even and perhaps especially the thorns of
life.... and in tires!!!)

the STP this weekend also stood for the SEATTLE To PORTLAND's 30th annual Bike Classic that Elizabeth , Joshua and Caleb all completed by GOD's grace and protection and Andrew and I enjoyed some of too!!!

I hope to write more soon but until then...

Remember to count your blessings ~ naming them one by one and do....

...Keep stopping to smell the roses and being grateful for even the " thorns" in life remembering that they have a purpose too and learning to accept and be thankful for them.
Wish I could tell you about all the miracles and amazing stories that happened on our way to Seattle by VAN fulls and by bike all the way down to Portland ~ especially the " angel" wing recumbants on LOVEJOY ST, the blessings of a flat tire the first mile into the ride, the " miracle of wind~ power we prayed for and finally the SHOFAR horn blast at BAJA FRESH....ask me sometime....

Love Ya all!!!
A very tired and sore STP start and finisher ( with quite a few detours along the VERY BLESS~ED Way!!!
Joyful and grateful daugther of the KING OF KINGS,
wife of a most amazing man , momie to some of the dearest children, gran~momie to a miracle and joy beyond compare, and friend to the most beautiful flowers in the garden of life and blessed by all who come my way!!!!

MAY JESUS CHRIST BE PRAISED ~~~ God is my strength and my power and HE maketh my way PERFECT....II Samuel 22/ Psalm 18 A new song God gave me during my bike ride!