Thursday, April 30, 2009

9 weeks~ 3.3pounds Eleonora doing well!

Everything seems to be going well for Eleonora and she even got to try her first bottle feed with Mama's milk last night! Hooray! Pray that she gets the hang of it easily . She is off the IV fluids completely and is only getting her Mama's milk and has been off the Ventilator for many days now. Philip and Sarah both sound good and even got to have a special evening out listening to Mozart and Mendelssohn thanks to the generosity of a friend giving them tickets to a Philharmonic Orchestra.
Do not stop praying and praising GOD for all HE has done.
The Gran~momie

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Eleonora looking Good~ Praise GOD!

Praise the Lord! Eleonora is doing well with her breathing and seems to be tolerating her feeds again.
Please pray that she would continue to improve with her breathing and feeding and that she could be moved out of isolation to a quiet and calm room soon. So far she is doing quite well and we pray for steady improvements with no set-backs.
If any one wants a picture just leave a comment below or email me directly ~I hope to be getting some more pictures soon. The parents only request that no pictures be posted publicly. For continuous updates do check my daughters' blog listed below.We take turns doing updates.
Thank you all ever so much and..." May the LORD repay you.." for your gifts of prayer~ the best gifts ever!!
Spring is here! Let's keep sowing so we will reap a BOUNTIFUL harvest ~ Physically and Spiritually!!!
A grateful Gran~Momie

my daughters' blog:

ps~ Joshua and Caleb are enjoying TRACK and doing quite well with the talent God has blessed them with . It is fun to watch. What are you doing these days?
Leave a comment here or email me directly!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Praises and Prayers continue!!!

The next two days are important because Eleonora is OFF the ventilator!!!! She is doing well so far but it can be very tiring and it would not be a surprise for her to have to go back on it. Because she does not have a tube down her throat she has been given a pacifier and loves it ~ which will be helpful when she starts to suck on a bottle and eventually and hopefully be able to nurse! These are the hopes for future days. It would be wonderful news if she could stay off the Ventilator for good and that the cultures continue to show NO signs of infection. The last 2 cultures have come back clear and good. Eleonora now weighs 2 pounds and 15 ounces.
Thanks so much for your continued prayer support

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

7 weeks and almost 3 pounds

Eleonora is close to ( and actually might be) 3 pounds now and has not acted sick during the many days she has been fighting 2 infections. One infection was very contagious so she had to be in isolation and everyone had to put on gowns and gloves to enter her private room. We hope to hear any day that the infections are gone and yesterday some tests came back looking good. We are thankful that she has gained weight and hope that she can be held again by Sarah and Philipp and put back on Mama's milk. An important prayer request would be for her to get completely off the ventilator soon as that can cause damage to her lungs and of course NO MORE INFECTIONS or Antibiotics.
PRAY FOR HEALTH and that she can go home on or before her June 8 due date.
Sarah and Philipp are doing well and yet it has been a long 7 weeks and they have had to be apart for much of it.
Thanks again for all your prayers and love for this dear precious wee one and her family!
YOUR PRAYERS are SUCH a BLESSING to us all!!!!
A grateful Gran~Momie

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Weiss du Wieveil ....Serenity

Do You know how many stars
There are shining in the skies?
Do you know how many clouds
Ev'ry day go floating by?
God in Heaven has counted all.
He would miss one should it fall.

Do you know how many children
Go to little beds at night.
And without care or sorrow,
Wake up in the morning light?
God in Heaven each name can tell,
Loves me , too, and loves me well.

From the German ( song my mother sang to me in German, I sang to Sarah, Philipp's mother sang to him and his dear sister Julia and now we sing to Eleonora! ~ I did last week!)

Psalm 121 comforts me right now!! Plus this prayer: ( also from Germany!)

The Serenity Prayer

(Reinhold Neibuhr-1926)

GOD, grant me the serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change,
Courage to change the
things I can, and the
wisdom to know the difference.

Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardship as the
pathway to peace.
Taking, as He did, this
sinful world as it is,
not as I would have it.
Trusting that He will make
all things right if I
surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy
in this life, and supremely
happy with Him forever in
the next. Amen

Sarah and Eleonora are better today but DO keep praying. Last night I kept praying and staying active in order to not worry and it was hard. But this morning I had such PEACE knowing GOD cares and I meditated on the truths of scripture and poems and songs like the one above.
Peace and JOY to you!
a prayin' Gran~momie

Sarah and Eleonora need YOUR prayers!

Eleonora has two infections. A very common infection for preemies gets in their lungs when they are on the ventilator so long and she was almost off last week ...
( for the third time at least) but then got an infection in her blood. She is not acting sick but this is a serious prayer request.
Now mama Sarah is sick today also due to lack of sleep this week with extra Dr and Specialist meetings late at night . She called just now sounding very tired and was going to bed at 8 pm their time. This is difficult news for them all so pray God's comfort and peace especially.
Grandma Rosa ( Oma in Austrian and German ~ like my mom!) is there until Friday and did get to visit with Eleonora at least one time ~ but now no one will visit while Sarah is sick . Pray for miraclulously speedy recoveries for them both and that Rosa's visit will still be full of special memories to take home!
GOD is STILL IN CONTROL and PRAYER changes things.
Grateful to all of you special , special Prayer~ warriors near and far!!!
The Gran~momie Ruthie

Thursday, April 2, 2009

A very Blessed Trip!

God blessed my time in Florida above and beyond my hopes and dreams. Eleonora is so beautiful and precious and was doing very well while I was there. I was able to visit and touch her each day ~ singing and praying over her and telling her all about the many who love her all over the world.She truly is a little "sunbeam for Jesus" already. She even opened her eyes a few times for me and smiled at Sarah while I was there. Sarah and Philipp were able to resume Kangaroo Care after a week long wait.( because of the infection, which really never got serious since they caught it so early.)
The baby is a perfect blend of Philipp and Sarah~ and loves to sleep just like Sarah did as a newborn~ legs tucked up under her in a little ball. She seems to have papa's nose and long slender fingers and Sarah's beauty!
We are praying now she can go back off the ventilator soon and that she will be spared any lasting effects of the tubes and treatments she has needed so far. She is receiving the BEST of care and I was delightfully impressed with the whole Hospital experience.
There is so much more to tell and yet I am going to have to wait till another time and get to bed now....
With Love and Gratefulness to GOD~ Gran-Momie Ruthie
P.S. If you want to see photos of Eleonora please comment and leave your email below since Philipp and Sarah have requested no photos on a public site. Or you can email me directly at

The Lord bless you and keep you ...The Lord make His face to shine on you...and give you PEACE and give you PEACE and give you PEACE forever...numbers 24.6 also a lullaby by Michael Card that I sang to Eleonora among many hymns and German songs....