Monday, November 30, 2009

Update of Praises but do Not stop praying please!

Praise GOD for many answers to prayer the last 48 hrs! ( sleep, rest, returning health, and PEACE just to name a few!!!)
Eleonora was breathing SO much better tonight when I went to the hospital and she was sleeping so peacefully , in fact, PEACE was the word as I walked into the hospital room in Portland delivering more clothes and food for the 3 Gollners! They all looked rested too. What a relief for this mom and gran~momi's heart!!!
Eleonora is coming off of the oxygen and might even be able to go home tomorrow if she gets off all the way!!! She still is quite miserable when she is awake just like anyone would be with a head cold and congestion and cough !
Thank you for the encouraging prayers and support during all this!
Ruthie, the grateful Gran~momi
I Thessalonians 5-16-17 and Colossians 1 . 9-11 REJOICE evermore and PRAY without CEASING

Keep Praying

Eleonora has a cold virus and for a normal baby it would last a week and not be a serious condition. But for a preemie any sickness can become serious. Results from all the tests are not back but it will not change the outcome of what they are doing .So far she is tolerating her feeds ( a BIG praise) but she is miserable and does need oxygen. Please pray that Sarah holds up and that she can rest and sleep . Because of an e-coli scare at the hospital, no water can be used for washing things~ SO everything is challenging and extra time consuming.

" A mighty fortress is our GOD ....never failing...our helper..."
Praise and TRUST HIM above all.....

Pray Ye!

Please Keep praying! Hospital situations need multiplied prayers multiplied!
Eleonora is very sick and is getting oxygen and meds. Pray for decisions being made.
May GOD'S Grace pour out on us all and may Philipp and Sarah and especially dear sweet Eleonora be surrounded by GOD'S love and peace and be restored to complete HEALTH And VITALITY SOON!!!May the LORD provide for their every need and comfort.
Gran~ momi Ruthie
"When you can't trace GOD'S hand ~ TRUST HIS HEART"

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Urgent Prayers needed for Eleonora in Hospital

...and Jesus... " spake a parable unto them that men ought always to pray and not to faint." Luke 18.1 ( faint ~ to lose courage)

Greetings dear , dear ones!
Once again our precious little princess is in need of your prayers! CRY out with me for HEALING and PEACE!!!!
Philipp and Sarah brought healthy Eleonora from Chicago and we had a blessed few days including Thanksgiving together.
Then Friday morning the baby woke up with a cough. They spent the afternoon in Portland getting x-rays and examinations and at that time it seemed to be just a general cold virus ( nothing serious) that the Dr. figured she picked up on the airplane and so were sent home a few hours later with medicine. Saturday she still looked and acted great despite the cough ( see the pictures here taken at noon on Saturday 28 Nov 09!) but in the evening she was starting to have trouble breathing and really went down hill fast.
After talking with the Doctors on the phone Elizabeth drove all 3 tired Gollners back down to Portland at 2 am which is where they are now. She has had severe complications with other medications before , so that is a prayer need. Pray also for wisdom for the Dr.(s) and PEACE upon them and us all!!!
They all have been through so much these last 9 months and Eleonora has done so well and fought so valiantly. She is 12 pounds now and BEAUTIFUL and we so appreciate your prayers!
How can I pray for YOU????
Gratefully and lovingly yours,
The blessed gran~momi
Ruthie Elizabeth
Tim's Rose for almost 30 married years now!

"EVERY anxiety is a CALL to PRAYER"...." from a booklet called PRAYER by J. H. McConkey . He continues saying " Anxiety hinders our Faith in God. For faith is simply looking unto Jesus. Anxiety looks to things. "
David says in the Psalms " My eyes are ever unto the Lord..."Psalm 25.15 and also in Psalm 72.12 he says...
" He ( GOD) shall deliver THE NEEDY when he crieth." (see also Ps.1.15..18.6...34.6....oh ,just read the psalms daily!!!!with me!)

"PRAY YE" ~ Matthew 9.38