The prayers are felt and so appreciated! Sarah asked me to thank everyone for them just minutes ago! They had a nice visit with their baby tonight and can sleep just across the street from her!
Philipp and Sarah are so grateful to be in the large home just 1/2 block away from the hospital .
Philipp and Elizabeth will take turns being with Sarah and staying at their home 30 min away.
There is a lot to process, learn and do ( like sterilizing and preparing the tiny bottles of mama's milk for Eleonora
The pain is a bit better for Sarah and she can shuffle around better , but still uses the wheel chair that is at the home. Pray for speedy and miraculous healing for her.
The Winnie Palmer hospital is one of the finest in the Nation for preemies and they know Eleonora is getting the best of care.
Downs and ups are to be expected with preemies and especially with micro~ preemies ( under 26 weeks gestation and under 1 and 3/4 pounds is the definition of a micro ~preemie) Lydia writes more about this on the sisters blog at
The last 48 hrs have been harder but Eleonora is resting peacefully tonight and the prayer request is for continued prayers as the HOLY SPIRIT leads and that the "tummy" troubles that baby~love is experiencing will be resolved ( on there own preferably!)
Continued strength and peace for all of the ROSE/GOLLNER family here and around the world!
May we all draw closer to GOD and each other and feel His LOVE and presence in this challenging time. For " when you can't trace His hand His HEART~"
I Peter 5.7 reminds us to Cast ( literally throw!) your burdens or cares upon the LORD for He careth for you ...and me and Eleonora....
Let's TRUST and OBEY together and keep praising GOD come what may!
gran~momie ruthie
"sweet dreams dear Ellie - ich liebe dich! ( i love you!)
The Lord asks us, "Do you truly believe I see exactly what you are
enduring right now?"
Perhaps as you read this message, you are going through something t...
7 years ago