Saturday, February 28, 2009

Day 5 downs and ups for Eleonora

The prayers are felt and so appreciated! Sarah asked me to thank everyone for them just minutes ago! They had a nice visit with their baby tonight and can sleep just across the street from her!

Philipp and Sarah are so grateful to be in the large home just 1/2 block away from the hospital .
Philipp and Elizabeth will take turns being with Sarah and staying at their home 30 min away.
There is a lot to process, learn and do ( like sterilizing and preparing the tiny bottles of mama's milk for Eleonora
The pain is a bit better for Sarah and she can shuffle around better , but still uses the wheel chair that is at the home. Pray for speedy and miraculous healing for her.

The Winnie Palmer hospital is one of the finest in the Nation for preemies and they know Eleonora is getting the best of care.

Downs and ups are to be expected with preemies and especially with micro~ preemies ( under 26 weeks gestation and under 1 and 3/4 pounds is the definition of a micro ~preemie) Lydia writes more about this on the sisters blog at

The last 48 hrs have been harder but Eleonora is resting peacefully tonight and the prayer request is for continued prayers as the HOLY SPIRIT leads and that the "tummy" troubles that baby~love is experiencing will be resolved ( on there own preferably!)

Continued strength and peace for all of the ROSE/GOLLNER family here and around the world!
May we all draw closer to GOD and each other and feel His LOVE and presence in this challenging time. For " when you can't trace His hand His HEART~"

I Peter 5.7 reminds us to Cast ( literally throw!) your burdens or cares upon the LORD for He careth for you ...and me and Eleonora....
Let's TRUST and OBEY together and keep praising GOD come what may!

gran~momie ruthie
"sweet dreams dear Ellie - ich liebe dich! ( i love you!)

Friday, February 27, 2009

Day 4 ~ Keep praying! comforted by the words of this song as I have been ~it is from Steve Green's
CD "WE BELIEVE" called:
Sing Children Sing

Father, Abba Father
We humbly come before You
Hear us and draw near us

As children at rest in Your arms

We find peace and safety secure from all
fear and alarm
Sing children sing, let all His children sing

So many praises and miracles and yet : THIS IS HARD! So , please keep praying!
God has so faithfully answered so many requests do thank GOD with me !

I am super tired but wanted to give at least a brief update.

***Eleonora remains stable despite a few set-backs ( including having to stop the mama's milk temporarily!) Please pray she will be able to get on the tube feeding with that perfect food very soon! Her regular Dr. gets back tomorrow ~ he just happens to be a World renowned specialist named Dr. Gregorias Alexander. Philip and Sarah are very impressed and pleased with him.
***Continue to pray for everyone's health and sleep and especially that baby will not get an infection.
*** Sarah's new pain medication would be an improvement and each day would get significantly easier for her.
***God would continue to give strength , wisdom and peace to all especially Mama, Papa, and Elizabeth as they get into a routine at the Ronald McDonald House ( a praise that they got in and that it is quite nice) right across the street from the Hospital and Philipp resumes work and studies any day now!
****Would you also lift up in prayer Sarah's cousin, Deanna also expecting her first baby that she would have a safe and blessed delivery without having to be induced . She has had a very complicated pregnancy , with Rh negative and rejection of her own amniotic fluid and lots of medications for a miriad of problems. May GOD's peace and presence envelope us all.

Father, Abba Father
We humbly come before You
Hear us and draw near us
As children at rest in Your arms
We find peace and safety secure from all
fear and alarm
Sing children sing, let all His children sing

nitey~ nite
And please dear God give Eleonora a kiss for me and "tuck her in" with a song from gran~momie ruthe

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Day 3 for Eleonora!

"What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee! IN GOD I will praise his word,

In GOD I have put my trust; I will not fear what flesh can do unto me!" Pslams 56 3-4

These encouraging words greeted me this morning as I opened the WORD ! God always has something for me and today the whole chapter was so encouraging along with the Proverbs for the day and my time in the book of Mark. Are you being fed by God to keep you strong in your trials ~ that is where my strength comes from!
Yesterday afternoon was a bit hard since Eleonora had to have uncomfortable and painful tests done to make sure she does not have an infection , since her white blood cell count is up. The nurse had Philipp touch(!) her for the first time to comfort her and she settled back down. Sarah also got to touch her later (praise the Lord) with Elizabeth by her side looking on. Eleonora only had one formula feed through a tiny tube since birth and now is only getting Sarah's colostrum! (Praise!) But Sarah is still in considerable pain despite switching medications and being able to eat now.I had to remind myself (and hum the song) that they are "Safe in the arms of JESUS" BUT please DO PRAY and CRY outLOUD!!! ( most bible verses use the phrase "I cried to the Lord..."....and he heard my CRY!)
Philipp, Sarah and Elizabeth all sounded good and hopeful~ however they all are in need of more sleep and rest and God's healing touch!

Prayer requests:
* Eleonora would remain stable and NOT get an infection and all her vitals would be normal as they have been so far. May God comfort her with His peace and joy and LIGHT!
*Sarah would be able to stay in the Hospital until the pain comes down to around 2-3 , instead of the 7-8 spiking to 10 at times on a scale of 1-10. The nurses have been very kind as she needs help to move or pump her breast milk for baby ( every 2-3 hrs!) I f something else is wrong with Sarah they would find out for this continued amount of steady pain for the last days is unusual and she rarely in her life has ever complained of pain!
*Philipp would continue to receive Wisdom from the LORD in all matters, get enough rest and be nourished by GOD's WORD! ( May he continue to whistle and hum as he so often does!)
*Elizabeth would stay healthy and be able to know when to ask for help . She continues to provide
support and encouragement.
*The stresses and strains would pull our family together and to GOD and not let the enemy get a foothold.
* Tim to continue to recover from his shoulder surgery last month and major Vertigo setbacks and medication complications. He needs to travel for work and will be gone each week . Pray for his complete healing and blessing at work.Life is quite overwhelming at times!
* Ruthe (me!) would walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh ~ enjoying every precious moment and chosing the BEST thing to do with my time all day and night~ serving my family here and in Florida
*Harmony and Peace in our home and for those we love...(including you!)
love and joy to you all~ gran~momie ruthe

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Mother's Milk for Eleonora!

Eleonora Gollner is still doing very well and has opened her eyes since the first night both for papa and mama and she even sucks her thumb! She is very active and healthy for her age and size! ( 24 ounces)
Sarah has been able to be up walking around and visited the baby again and her own perfect milk was given to Eleonora today!!!!! ( this is HUGE!) Sarah is eating food now so they are trying new medications that are helping a bit.
God's peace is ruling and GOD is answering prayers ~ too many to list or know! Thank and praise Him with us!!!

Prayer requests: ( and praises!!!)
*Continued refreshing sleep for all~ especially papa ,mama baby~love and Elizabeth!
* God would draw many to Him and He would continue to be Glorified
* Elizabeth sounds quite tired but is such a blessing and her doula traning is so invaluable right
now! May the LORD continue to be her strength.
*Eleonora's Light would continue to shine brightly ~ as it has!....

"How far that little candle throws (her) beams!" ( shakespeare)
May God's light shine in and through our hearts and lives...( II Corinthians 4.6)
lovinly gran~momi ruthe
gratefully resting in the arms of JESUS day and night

"Bright One!"

"But now thus saith the LORD that created thee, ...
....and He that formed thee, FEAR NOT: for I have redeemed thee,....I have called thee by name; Thou art mine!." Isaiah 43.1

from latin
" light, bright one"

a very old fashioned German name that sounds like:

Born 23 Feb 2009 weighing 1 pound 8 ounces ~ 12 and 1/2 inches long!

Sweet little Eleonora is doing quite well and breathing on her own since shortly after birth. Papa Philipp's voice is so happy when I talked to him and he was thankful for a calm day on the 24th after the traumatic events on the 23rd. Papa Philipp sleeps next to Sarah in the Winnie Palmer Hospital there in Orlando, Florida and visits Eleonora often in the premie intensive care ward just a 2 min. elevator ride away. He sings the same German lullabies that his mother and Sarah's mother( me!) and grandmother ( Omi) sang! Do pray that once things settle down, Philipp would be able to resume his studies and go back to class. This is all in God's hands and baby and Sarah are his priorities right now . Mama Sarah sounds so good and praises the LORD for His goodness and mercy yet still has a lot of pain. Once she is able to eat, the medications can be given orally and more often and that is an urgent prayer request.
When Sarah is up in the middle of the night she calls me and we have had the most precious "visits" the last two nights rejoicing in God's goodness and praying together. Sarah asked for prayer that Eleonora's vital signs will remain stable as they have , so that she would not need additional medications beyond the normal premie 'stuff'! and that there would continue to be no brain bleeds, which is common in premie. They have a long road ahead until her original due date of June 8~ which is the hoped release date if all goes well and Eleonora weighs 4 pounds. A praise is that Sarah is able to stay at the R.M. house near the hospital to be closer to baby once she is released , which looks like Thursday , so far. She still is needing much care and help. Your prayers are vital now and in the days , weeks and months to come!

Philipp , Sarah and Elizabeth are quite pleased with the hospital, staff and especially Dr. Alexander , an internationally renowned specialist. God is answering many prayers! Sarah and baby are receiving tender , loving care which comforts my heart, especially since I can not be there.
Peace reigns in all our hearts so continue to pray for health and strength for all involved, including Elizabeth, Sarah's dear sister, who is so lovinly caring for them
physically and emotionally. May God grant deep , healing and refreshing sleep to each one , every night: Papa , mama, baby~love "Eleonora", Elizabeth and all who need it !

Numbers 6: 24-27
Feel free to put your questions or comments in the comment box.

the Lord make His face to shine upon us all...

ruthe elizabeth rose
Eleonora's loving
Gran~ momi
( sounds american ~ looks german!)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

24 ounces of love in a 12 inch pink package!

Our teeny~ tiny sweet grand~baby has arrived early and we are grateful to GOD for protecting her and Sarah during the emergency surgery !!! Children ( and grandchildren!) are a TREASURE from the LORD and we most fully realized and appreciated that when our own dear 30 ounces of Love, 19 years ago , was born and lived a week with us. We have many treasures in heaven now ( 9) and " where your treasure is there will your heart be also!" Matthew 6.19-21
Where is your treasure???

One of the songs that has been comforting me through this is:
"Jesus I am resting, RESTING, in the JOY of what THOU art. I am finding out the greatness of thy loving heart!"

Hopefully we will be able to keep everyone updated on this precious new life and the praises and prayer requests along the way.So far the requests are for:
* health and safety for baby ~she is critical but stable on room air oxygen
* peace and strength from the LORD for Philipp& Sarah , baby ~love and Elizabeth and the Rose/Gollner family
* and Sarah asked for prayer for her pain mangagement~ she is in much ,excrutiating pain especially when trying to move or get up~ pray for JESUS to touch and heal our precious daughter Sarah Louise -Cry out!
Bless you all for caring, sharing and especially PRAYING~ for your prayers are the BEST gifts and we can feel them!!!

resting in Jesus!
ruthe elizabeth
" A gran~momi's grand to be!!!"