Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Ethel Waters a favorite singer since I was child

I am safe in the eye of my storm! Are you?

Let me know how I can pray for you!
And please continue to pray for me. Thanks!

JESUS is our example in everything!
And the ON!Y one we can completely trust!
He kept trusting & obeying His Father and forgiving and loving everyone else!
I miss you ...I Long to see you face to face!

Do you have a favorite song today?

Found this video /song that I never heard before while looking for His Eye is on the sparrow bt Ethel waters!!!
Wow do watch it ASAP... Her testimony in a 4 min song and mine too!

Check out this video on YouTube:
 For more...
Try this... Link:  for story behind the song if you have time/ interest
Another link to song:

Love that woman and that song...reminds me daily...
"I sing because I am happy I sing because I'm FREE~ for GOD'S eye is on the sparrow..
So I know He is watching you &me!
Romans 15.13.  Joy~Peace...
Revelations 22.21 ...& especially... Grace to you!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Got SUN?... I do...

It's like the sun is shining when the rain is falling down....

And in the Northwest that is often! ( rain and rainbows and even sunshine if you will just look for it and be grateful for just one ray of light!

But today and yesterday felt like 70 degrees at noon as I took a sun bath twice for an hour!
Still healing up from new concussion of last week... Please do not feel bad or worry - just pray because I am experiencing GOd's love, provision and healing and MIRACLES abounding lIke NEVER before....
Hope you are getting your Vit D.. It is not the sun that causes skin cancer -it is blocking the sun's healthy rays with toxic sunscreens , sunglasses or even just avoiding it... I hope you do not believe what the "experts" say about health in country that is one of the UNHEALTHIEST in the WORLD!!! Look to the oldn days and ways!
ASK God to guide you and HE will but not in ways you would expect! Read your Bible - it has ALL the answers to LIFE here on earth after all it is our Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth! ( the B.I.B.L.E) so glad I had parents who modeled that- not perfectly but perfectly for me! psalm 32:8 says " I will guide you with my eye." but you have to be close and looking not doing your own thing!
I highly recommend a book that talks about Sunshine and GOD's healing SONshine called CONQUERING ANY DISEASE.... Just found it in a friends's table I was visitng and it is so much of what I had to learn the HARD way and so far I agree with everything in the little bit of reading and gleaning since I found it 2 days ago... Take it to God and ask what part is for you & your situation. NO ONE IS the same but their are principles of health that are universal! Do not be afraid to learn something from anyone and EVERYONE you meet. I do and it is so exciting!
Blessings of Peace & life- giving sunshine & SONshine!!
JESUS IS the Light Of the world!
I am warmed through and through !
Are you?
Ruth Elizabeth
Isaiah 40-41

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Got FAITH???


Sees the invisible
believes the incredible
Receives the IMPOSSIBLE.....

Faithfully HIS,
At least that is my goal and prayer,
Ruth Elizabeth

Thursday, March 3, 2011

" the teacher's lesson" someone sent me this today...

...just HAD to pass it along in case you did not learn this lesson yet- never too late.... ( see below)
( thanks Sister-in-love, Judy!)

I am In awe of my Awesome Lord and Savior every moment of the day thanks to my best and dearest teachers: my parents!
They taught me this lesson below and all the other important "lessons" that help me to this day.

Ruth Elizabeth  (Miller) Rose
Homesick for my parents in heaven now almost 2 decades! What comfort that I will see them someday soon along with JESUS....
Until then I will continue to enjoy every precious moment and person in my path and STOP to " smell the roses!"
join me!!! ?
Read this to your " students" ( thinking of you, Karie! What a precious memory our hallway "chat" was !)
Go get um Miss Nelson! ;-)

Subject: The Teacher's Lesson
Date: Tuesday, March 1, 2011, 3:01 PM

Subject: The Teacher's Lesson

A nice thought about appreciating our blessings....

Lisa Beamer on Good Morning America - If you remember, she's the wife of
Todd Beamer who said 'Let's Roll!' and helped take down the plane over
Pennnsylvania that was heading for Washington DC back on 9/11.

She said it's the little things that she misses most about Todd, such as
hearing the garage door open as he came home, and her children running to

meet him. She's now the Mom of a beautiful little girl, Mary.

Lisa recalled this story:
"I had a very special teacher in high school many years ago whose husband

died suddenly of a heart attack.  About a week after his death, she
some of her insight with a classroom of students.  As the late afternoon
sunlight came streaming in through the classroom windows and the class
nearly over, she moved a few things aside on the edge of her desk and sat

down there.

With a gentle look of reflection on her face, she paused and said, '
is over, I would like to share with all of you, a thought that is
to class, but which I feel is very important.  Each of us is put here on
earth to learn, share, love, appreciate and give of ourselves.  None of
knows when this fantastic experience will end.  It can be taken away at

Perhaps this is the powers way of telling us that we must make the most
of every single day.  Her eyes, beginning to water, she went on, 'So I
like you all to make me a promise.  From now on, on your way to school,
on your way home, find something beautiful to notice.

It doesn't have to be something you see, it could be a scent, perhaps of
freshly baked bread wafting out of someone's house, or it could be the
of the breeze slightly rustling the leaves in the trees, or the way the
morning light catches one autumn leaf as it falls gently to the ground.
Please look for these things, and cherish them.  For, although it may
trite to some, these things are the "stuff" of life.  The little things
are put here on earth to enjoy.  The things we often take for granted.
The class was completely quiet.

We all picked up our books and filed out of the room silently.  That
afternoon, I noticed more things on my way home from school than I had
whole semester.  Every once in a while, I think of that teacher and
what an impression she made on all of us, and I try to appreciate all of
those things that sometimes we all overlook.

Take notice of something special you see on your lunch hour today.  Go
barefoot.  Or walk on the beach at sunset.  Stop off on the way home
to get a double dip ice cream cone.  For as we get older, it is not the
things we did that we often regret, but the things we didn't do.

If you like this, please pass it on to a friend, if not just delete it
go on with your life!  Life is not measured by the number of breaths we
take, but by the moments that take our breath away."

P.S. Happy Birthday Dr. Suess!!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Hide away in the Love of Jesus..

Hear Him calling YOUR name!
See the depths of HIS love
In the wounds of His Grace
Hide away...

Come hopeless hearts
Do not despair
Hide away in the love of Jesus

From a song by Steve &Vicki Cook on a SOVEREIGN GRACE CD CALLED
"Come Weary Saints!"
Gifted to me by me fasting buddy and dear friend and neighbor, Cynthia! thanks!
Everyday is like a birthday celebration with Jesus... How can I not trust Him!!!
JOIN ME... JOIN us in hiding away in HIS LOVE!!!!!and TRUST HIM ALONE!

Mercy unto you, and peace, and love be multiplied! Jude 2


              ~from a grateful rose~
                     ruth elizabeth
         "Under GOD's wings"... Ruth 2:12
 & .... RADICALLY REDEEMED ~ are you?

Romans 15.13.  Joy~Peace...
Revelations 22.21 ...& especially... Grace to you!

Lydia's snapshots of R family:

Are you prepared for whatever ?...Body, Mind & especially SPIRIT?...
No matter your answer check out: MY FAVORITE SITES: