Saturday, April 18, 2009

Eleonora looking Good~ Praise GOD!

Praise the Lord! Eleonora is doing well with her breathing and seems to be tolerating her feeds again.
Please pray that she would continue to improve with her breathing and feeding and that she could be moved out of isolation to a quiet and calm room soon. So far she is doing quite well and we pray for steady improvements with no set-backs.
If any one wants a picture just leave a comment below or email me directly ~I hope to be getting some more pictures soon. The parents only request that no pictures be posted publicly. For continuous updates do check my daughters' blog listed below.We take turns doing updates.
Thank you all ever so much and..." May the LORD repay you.." for your gifts of prayer~ the best gifts ever!!
Spring is here! Let's keep sowing so we will reap a BOUNTIFUL harvest ~ Physically and Spiritually!!!
A grateful Gran~Momie

my daughters' blog:

ps~ Joshua and Caleb are enjoying TRACK and doing quite well with the talent God has blessed them with . It is fun to watch. What are you doing these days?
Leave a comment here or email me directly!


  1. Wow! As soon as I saw your blog I knew you used that picture because it was of your Mom, but how could you have such a picture? So it must be one you found that reminded you of her - it sure reminds me of her!
    And reminds me of you, as well - a peaceful woman smelling the flowers, one of your faithful habits!
    Thank you for the updates on our wonderful granddaughter!

  2. Thanks Honey! and you are quite welcome!

    Now that you point it out,I sure can see the resemblance but I actually just loved the idea of the photo ~ "SLOWING down and taking time to enjoy God's blessings all around us!" ...especially the roses~ and of ALL the Flowers in the WORLD ~ I would pick YOU , TIM ~ thanks for choosing me!!!
    Your grateful and loving Rose for 30 years!!!
    Your Ruthie Elizabeth

  3. Hello Mrs. Rose!
    Thank you for the update on Eleonora...she and all of you are in our prayers. You mentioned that you have a picture of her? We would love to see one! We are so thankful that it seems like her infection is gone. Praise the Lord.... what an answer to prayer. Katie for all the Castleberrys
