Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Eleonora Rose Gollner turned 2!

Rejoicing in GOD's miracles in the life of my sweet grand- girl!
Gratefully yours,
The gran-Momi

You are invited to " peek" on Lydia's amazing blog and especially the update for today~ Eleonora's birthday ( February 23)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Blessing for you!

 "May today there be peace within. May you trust that you are exactly where you are meant to be. May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith in yourself and others.  May you use the gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you. May you be content with yourself just the way you are. Let this knowledge settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. It is there for each and every day of your life."
Love from your friend, Beth.

thank you Beth!
How precious to be friend's with my mom's dear friend of 50+ years ago!
We are fasting " together" even! Her in CA me in WA! Join us?

Still abiding under His wings,
Ruth ElizaBETH

Friday, February 18, 2011

Making melody in my heart to the LORD...

...and to you... and anyone else who will listen! For I must PRAISE the GOD of my salvation or I perish in body, mind & spirit!

The LORD be with you!....

~from a grateful rose~
ruth elizabeth
...abiding and trusting "Under GOD's wings"... Ruth 2:12
How about you?
Romans 15.13. Joy~Peace & ..GOD's Unconditional LOVE-John3,16
Revelations 22.21 ...& especially HIS... GRACE to YOU!

I invite you to a Daniel Fast with me .I am still thanking my friend who in invited me!!! Day 10 for me and we do not want to stop on day 21! We are being too blessed and seeing daily answers to prayer JOIN US - you will be so blessed too! :

Are you prepared for whatever ?...Body, Mind & especially SPIRIT?...
No matter your answer check out: MY FAVORITE SITE:

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Under HIS Wings....

... I am safely abiding, though the night deepens and tempests are wild;
Still I can trust Him I know He will keep me, He has redeemed me and I am His child!

Under HIS wings, Under His wings ~ Who from His Love can sever?
under His wings My soul shall abide, Safely abide forever.

Ist verse and chorus from another hymn from my childhood!
The story behind is amazing... Will share it soon...and the other great verses ..
Hope you can sing it along with me is my theme fast song! ( from psalm 91 also!)

Lots of answer to prayer each day as Cynthia & I check in & pray with each other for our list of requests from
Friends and loved ones- Here are just a few of main ones:
Cynthia's friend , Mary with cancer was the first praise- doing so well after very ill,
My dear friend , Beth in CA ( was my mom's best friend when newly married at same church) had a praise today-
Her hand is improving each day!- Premie Jordan gained 2 pounds since last week! Wow!PTL!
Keep praying for him and Jenny who also is better but we want COMPLETE healing for all these!
My brother in law Bill has pray for speedy healin!
Thanks for praying- Cynth ( whose daughter recently died after sudden massive stroke ) needs extra prayers right now !

Still feeling MOSTLY great on this Daniel Fast.
Sleep is quit erratic but no headaches and so many other things are better!
Do check it out soon. ( Daniel

Abiding Under His Wings!
How about you?
ruthie elizabeth

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I will bless the LORD at all times...

...HIS PRAISE shall continually be in my mouth....psalms 34:1

....Oh, MAGNIFY the LORD with me~....vs 3

ruthie elizabeth
That's all folks....

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I had an X-ray done...

....and found you in my are a significant part of my " heart"~ 
Just want you to know you ARE appreciated, loved & cherished by me!...
Thanks for being a part of my heart!!! I am blessed by you!

Let everyone you love hear it TODAY!!! And daily if possible!
I love you & Jesus showed His love for you on a ...
                      ... CROSS OF LOVE!
     Christmas, Easter & Valentines are every day!

Be like Jesus... " Refuse the evil and choose the Good" Isaiah 7:15
...and like Jesus "Eat butter and Honey" ...same verse!...
 (except when on a Daniel Fast!)

~from a grateful rose~
Occasionally missing my wild honey during this 21 Daniel Fast ; )
Even got some  home- spun Honey for Valentines! ( thanks dear Cynthia Jean!)
      ruth elizabeth
Romans 15.13.  Joy &Peace and...
Revelations 22.21 ... Grace to you!
Been up since 4:30 am ... So I gleaned A LOT today and want to share more if you want...
Just keep reading or come back later.... GOD bless your day!

  For " extra gleanings" see following and / check out links including my blog!
spent 2 hours in Isaiah this am !!!! When is the last time you got a good LONG drink -About 8 years ago I got the for 1/2 price the DVD - KJV COMPLETE BIBLE - narrated by Stephan Johnson- - sometimes I will exercise with it , or take notes while listening or just leave
playing in background like "music" for my soul and spirit!! 
EXCELLENT devotion About Faith not Fear!( that I JUST Now read after writing this...) 
Here is a ' taste':

David Wilkerson Today



Faith is a command. It is written, “The just shall live by faith.” Without
faith it is impossible to please God. Scripture adds, “If any man draw back,
I will have no pleasure in him” (Hebrews 10:38).

I shudder when I think of the terror and dangers of unbelief. Unbelief is a
bottomless pit of fear, anguish and discouragement. The consequences of
unbelief are horrendous. It begins with fearing what we cannot see. One fear
today leads to two fears tomorrow, then three, and then fears become a
bottomless pit of uncontrollable anguish and despair.
To read the rest of short devotion:

Also devotion ( about FEAR and the sure antidote!!! ) for the day from a Daniel Fast Blogger:

Here is a 'taste':
..."The immediate response to our feelings of fear, worry or anxiety should be the Word of God. Instead of asking God to remove fear from us . . . we need to follow His instructions and fill our spirits and souls with the Word - the proven antidote for fear." - Susan Gregory, Daniel Fast Blogger:

Monday, February 14, 2011

Oh LORD, You are Beautiful...

YOUR FACE is ALL I seek!.... Hope you know that lovely song~ that was what my heart sang as I awoke at 6 am...

Started my regular "Daniel Fast chapters" reading Deuteronomy 28:1-15 and counting all the BLESSINGS GOD wants to give us IF we will diligently listen and obey HIS voice and commands.... then off to Psalms 34... &. 91 ...WOW...Isaiah 58 & 51 will be later refreshment...

I am drinking ( continually ) from the springs of LIVING water~ my soul is satisfied ( another song from childhood church and Sunday School!)

How about you ? Is your soul satisfied? JESUS , our only access to the HOLY GOD! CRY OUT! Pray! FOR Prayer is like breathing- you are not alive if you are not breathing- we should think of prayer this way !.... The thief on the cross did nothing more than pray- humbling asking forgiveness and talking to Jesus...and he was in paradise that day.... Nothing extra was needed... But after short time he would have need water to drink to stay alive physically and spiritually... And then to really thrive EXERCISE.... read His LIVING WORD , the Bible and meditate... The harder things are the more air & the more "water" we need- physically & spiritually ... And find a church body you can grow with and " exercise" your gifts....
Exercise for the body is important is key to optimum health... And even more important to have spiritual exercise!!! - Using the Gifts God gave you to bless others!!!

Balance is the Key to radiant health... Something that will never be PERFECT here on earth but should be our goal!

That's the " nutshell of my heart today- what is on your heart?

Do check out The Daniel Fast blogger or web to press into God and see breakthroughs in your life too!
Psalms 37:4 says
" delight yourself in the LORD and He will give you the desires of your heart!" OH, HE has in my life and does daily!!!!
Like I have told my children ..
" Obedience brings BLESSINGS!.... Disobedience brings curses!". See Deut chap 28.... Actually whole BIBLE!
..... Breathe and drink and exercise with JESUS ...daily... Moment by moment....

I am certainly not perfect and far from balanced right now but..
I am perfectly forgiven!!! And know the one who can balance me - IF I DILIGENTLY listen and OBEY HOS VOICE - not being a man- pleaser...pleasing GOD ABOVE ALL!

Trusting and Obeying , more each day,
ruth elizabeth,
GOD'S rose
Romans 15:13
Romans 8:28-29
Isaiah 58
Just checked my inbox and found David Wilkerson's devotion that ties into what I just said so nicely .for extra blessings check it out
Bye... ; )

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Marching to ZION!!!.... Isaiah 53-54

"REPENT!... For the Kingdom of God is at Hand....

He was wounded for our transgressions...
He was despised, rejected of men...
A man of sorrows , acquainted with grief..
We esteemed Him not...
And by HIS stripes we are healed...

We have turned EVERY ONE to his own way....
And the LORD has laid on HIM the iniquity of us all!...Isaiah 53

the GOD of the whole earth.....
With GREAT MERCIES will I gather thee... Isaiah. 54:5,6,7,-10....
and all thy children shall be taught of the Lord!...
And GREAT PEACE shall be the peace of thy CHILDREN...
No weapon that is formed against me shall prosper... Vs 17

ruthie elizabeth
.... marching to Zion!!! Will you join me?
Great song too- do you know it?

I am unconditionally loved and forgiven and redeemed! ..Rev 12:11
Wars & rumors of wars increase... In nations & church & family... But:
Check out " the end of the story".... Revelations 21-22....Grace to you all... Amen.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Oh, to be like Christ

Morning and Evening

Charles H. Spurgeon

February 11, 2011

Morning Reading

Acts 4:13--Acts 4:13

A Christian should be a striking likeness of Jesus Christ. You have
read lives of Christ, beautifully and eloquently written, but the best
life of Christ is His living biography, written out in the words and
actions of His people. If we were what we profess to be, and what we
should be, we should be pictures of Christ; yea, such striking
likenesses of Him, that the world would not have to hold us up by the
hour together, and say, "Well, it seems somewhat of a likeness;" but
they would, when they once beheld us, exclaim, "He has been with Jesus;
he has been taught of Him; he is like Him; he has caught the very idea
of the holy Man of Nazareth, and he works it out in his life and
every-day actions." A Christian should be like Christ in his boldness.
Never blush to own your religion; your profession will never disgrace
you: take care you never disgrace that. Be like Jesus, very valiant for
your God. Imitate Him in your loving spirit; think kindly, speak
kindly, and do kindly, that men may say of you, "He has been with
Jesus." Imitate Jesus in His holiness. Was He zealous for His Master?
So be you; ever go about doing good. Let not time be wasted: it is too
precious. Was He self-denying, never looking to His own interest? Be
the same. Was He devout? Be you fervent in your prayers. Had He
deference to His Father's will? So submit yourselves to Him. Was He
patient? So learn to endure. And best of all, as the highest
portraiture of Jesus, try to forgive your enemies, as He did; and let
those sublime words of your Master, "Father, forgive them; for they
know not what they do," always ring in your ears. Forgive, as you hope
to be forgiven. Heap coals of fire on the head of your foe by your
kindness to him. Good for evil, recollect, is godlike. Be godlike,
then; and in all ways and by all means, so live that all may say of
you, "He has been with Jesus."

Friday, February 11, 2011

When the world is shaking... HEAVEN stands and....

....when my heart is breaking He ( God) holds me in HIS Hands... Adapted from JJ Heller's song " YOUR hands",

How are you ?

Choosing to abide,

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Har e pu oo d oo key anakey ELOHIM!

That is how the following verse sounds in Hebrew.
" Be still and know that I am GOD". Psalm 46:10
A Jewish Rabbi that I met on an airplane taught me this phrase
in my Father's tongue: Hebrew!
My earthly daddy always called me his Hebrew princess!

To see the real spelling and to look up any verse in most any language or do a word search check out:
Very handy when looking up a reference you forget or just seeing other versions !
Fun to get " lost" in Bible study!

This is my returning and main meditation the last 2 years!
What are you pondering?
ruth elizabeth
Day 3 Daniel Fast
Still excited , though physically weak and tired

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What is a Daniel Fast?

Go to link to be blessed- especially if you need a miracle in your life....

May GOD'S LOVE shine on & in & through you today - and me too!
May your eyes squint like mine are right now...physically and spiritually...
Warmed through& through by.....
HIS AMAZING LOVE shown by Jesus life and death and resurrection!
.... when you get too hot just plunge into the ocean of God's love with me!

Repeat with me: JESUS loves me!!!!

humbly yours~
ruthe elizabeth
Day 1 Daniel fast.... Daniel 10:2-3 and chapter 1

Monday, February 7, 2011

Jenny is home and happy!

Dear Friends,
Thank you for praying for Jenny, she is home and happy.  The doctors gave us a mostly good news scenario. The diagnosis (as best they can  determine) is some form of Reflexive Neurovascular Distrophy or RND.  That is the last info we have. The treatment involves intensive rehab to rebuild strength and break the pain cycle.  We are waiting for an opening in a clinic that specializes in this kind of problem.  The therapy is intense and painful, but the prognosis is good.  The head of the pediatric team told us that with lots of hard work she may able to do the things she once enjoyed such as hiking, etc. within the next six months.
Blessing to you all.  Please continue to pray for Jenny and us as we seek wisdom for her treatment.
Joe. ( her dad and our church pastor)

Thank you for praying and continuing to pray for full, abundant health for Jenny- love, ruthie

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Pray for sweet Jenny- and join me at your State Capitol?

Please pray for our PastorJoe's daughter, 17 year old Jenny, who woke in severe pain the night before last and could not walk. She is in OR hospital on high pain meds and undergoing tests with no answers so far!
Pray for proper diagnosis and GOD'S complete healing for this precious friend of mine!

OK- this is REALLY critical also: please go to link below, read and pass along ASAP!!! Thanks!!

Lamentations 2: 19. Cry out.. Lift up your hands... For life!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

First signs of spring!

Despite freezing temps here in the beautiful northwest- there was sunshine and plenty of signs of spring this last week:
~lots of Song birds singing and praising GOD and flowers returning!!!~ violets, snow drops & lawn daisies , known as " ganse blumchen" as my German mother called them! These are precious reminders of God's love and faithfulness to me!
Plenty to raise my spirits~ how about you?
What makes you happy and gives you spring- like hope in your " winters"?

Songs are the best for me - old or new- here are three favorites:
An oldie preferably sung by Ethel Waters ( one of my parents favs-) " His Eye is On the Sparrow"
. I know He is watching YOU & Me!
Here is Ethel Waters just about when I heard her as a child:

And a newie : "Better Hands". ESP the version sung by a 9 yr old name Steven on U tube!
Check out this video on YouTube:

Second new song is "Your Hands" by JJ Heller

What are your favorite songs or " gleanings" from this week? What flowers have you picked or seen?

Lovingly from
A grateful rose
ruth elizabeth

Revelation 17:14~ a favorite and new verse to me from my Wednesday bible study in Revelation by ( Eliza) Beth Moore.
...and these shall make war with the LAMB, but the LAMB shall overcome them, for HE IS LORD of Lords and KING of Kings:
And those that are with HIM are called and chosen and. FAITHFUL".... - oh I want to be faithful....